Hermann's photos

Testudo graeca, hermanni, kleinmanni, marginata
Messaggi: 1618
Iscritto il: gio nov 24, 2005 9:36 pm
Località: Campania

Messaggioda anto » gio dic 14, 2006 2:58 pm

Sono tutte THB o cè anche qualche THH?
Raccontaci qualcosa di più, tipo da quanto le allevi, con quante hai iniziato, eventuali difficoltà avute nell'loro allevamento ecc!

n/a 3

Messaggioda n/a 3 » gio dic 14, 2006 3:07 pm

Messaggio inserito da Fede

Hello Marco
your turtles are wonderful but in the photos one looks at of the cocomero, if as you say that one is the winter shelter me seems po a season outside that fruit. I have mistaken?

A very keen remark. You are not in wrong. My eyes was captured only by the turtles, but actually there are a lot of watermelons in some pictures and it's very strange because we all know that it's a summer vegetable. Surely Marco will give us a good reason for this odd thing.

Acuta osservazione. Non sbagli. I miei occhi era attratti solo dalle tarta, ma ci sono realmente molti cocomeri in alcune foto ed e' molto strano perche' sappiamo tutti che e' un vegetale estivo. Certamente Marco ci dara' un'ottima ragione per questa stranezza.

Messaggi: 1618
Iscritto il: gio nov 24, 2005 9:36 pm
Località: Campania

Messaggioda anto » gio dic 14, 2006 3:11 pm

Non solo cocomeri, non sò se qualcuno lo ha notato, ma nelle 3° foto si vede molto chiaramente come 1 maschio (nella parte centrale della foto) cerca di accoppiarsi, cosa molto difficile a novembre soprattutto in paesi dove fa più freddo dell'Italia!

Messaggi: 1355
Iscritto il: mar ott 24, 2006 12:51 pm
Località: Lombardia

Messaggioda luca1988 » gio dic 14, 2006 3:50 pm

Messaggio inserito da anto

In effetti andrea a ragione, le foto fanno comunque effetto e sfido chiunque a dire il contrario se in una situazione diversa o cmq in una discussione nata in modo diverso non avremmo aggredito tutti (e dico tutti) l'autore del post! "Vedi" utente antonino quando disse di avere 80 tartarughe...anche li fu aggredito, senza tutta via sapere realmente in quanto spazio le tenesse!

Io per principio non voglio fare casino..ognuno sa come tiene le proprie tartarughe e sa se ha la coscienza a posto o meno..:)

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Messaggi: 580
Iscritto il: mar ago 22, 2006 1:04 pm

Messaggioda AleeHali » gio dic 14, 2006 5:39 pm

Cari Amici,
ottima quella del cocomero, ma nel post non si dice anche "il mio figlio fatto ste fotografie due mesi fa"?

Queste foto ci pongono davanti a due scelte:
1) procedere alla lapidazione d'uffico di una persona che non conosciamo, sulla base di pochi dati e molte "intuizioni".
2) cercare di scoprire e magari imparare qualche cosa dalle esperienze di altri.

A chi sceglie la prima (e su queste pagine ci sono dei veri professionisti in materia), consiglio di lasciare le parole per i fatti, e contattare al più presto l'ufficio CITES competente per la città del nostro amico, proprio come abbiamo fatto (me compreso) per il tizio dell'annuncio su animalinelmondo, per gridare a gran voce contro lo scandalo in atto.

Se qualcuno invece è interessato alla seconda possibilità, magari perchè non ha scoperto questa mattina che non sempre le tartarughe sono tenute in ambienti che NOI riteniamo ideali, basta si lasci guidare dal buon senso. E da un minimo di pragmatismo...:)


Messaggi: 336
Iscritto il: ven dic 08, 2006 7:53 am
Località: Estero

Messaggioda Maria » gio dic 14, 2006 5:45 pm

Dear frieds,
I am pressed to write in English now, because I am afraid to have insufficient Italian words to give enough clear explanation to you!
Yes, of course, on two outside pictures, it is very easy to see some pieces of Watermelons (Coccomero), Tomatoes, etc… Of course, it is common food for my Hermann’s and I am giving it regularly.
So, the only problem is, “how to see this type of foods on winter time”, if I understood your questions well!? My answer is very simple, as follows:
a) I am always transferring temperate species, i.e. species with winter hibernation, from open area, i.e. from my garden (gardinaio, ortaio, o frutaio) to 8 smaller rooms, fully covered in winter. The reason is, to protect them of hard winter(on my place, very frequently temperature going down to – 200C, sometimes less than 250C). So, independing they will go into ground themselves in arrival of cold days, it is much better to transfer them inside, than to have some unexpected loss of them during winter;
b) exact date of their transfer to inside rooms, depend on outside temperature. Of course, it is always necessary to move Greek’s Tortoises earlier, than Marginated and finaly Hermann’s, too. Sometimes, due to low temperature, I am begin with their transfer on second half of October, and it is O.K. But, sometimes, the whole November is still good to keep Hermann’s outside, and I do it!
c) Anyway, indepedning we had 2/3 of current November as very good weather (and, first 10 days of December, too), I transferred all temperate Tortoises of mine inside before 25th of October, this year. The reason is, we had some very cold days over here on my place at end of October, and as second, I was build now place for Tortoises and Turles on my farm, and it was important to have free space for movements and work on that time;
d) together with different types of Lactuca salads, different types of Radichio, cucumber, gourds, etc…, I am usually feeding my Hermann’s with Watermelons, and this vegetables are giving well to my Tortoises. Watermelons are having not high livel of proteins, but they are having enough livel of sugar to give energy to them, and also they are make cleaning of their urogenital tract. So, when available, I am always using Watermelons as good food for them.
In past, of course, (15 year ago and over) Watermelon season on my place was very short – from beginning of August till beginning of October, becuase we had not early hybrids of them and their growth on Gourds root. Now, i.e. in past 10 years at least, the first Watermelons are appearing on the market in beginning of June, and season is closing not before middle of October, sometimes up to end of October. I do not know what is exact situation in Italy, but due to much better weather over there, Watermelons should appear on the market maybe in May already, and keep available to November!?
- anyway, I am using Watermelons in Totoises diet till end, i.e. till last of them appear on the market. As you know very well, too, on common market the people buying last Watermelons not for direct human consumption, than to place them into brine (pickle foods) or preserves. It is usually in my country. So, we do not eat last Watermelons available on the market, but Tortoises eat them very well!
e) I cannot remember, when I made 4 photos of adult Hermann’s of mine exactly, but it was in last third of October surely. You can see easy, these photos were not made on Summer season surely, than in late Autumn season. Anyway, independing many of them were already in try to find good sleeping place in small room (2.00 x 2.00 metters of inside space) some of them still walked around, looking for food. And, some pieces of Watermelons were offered to them!
So, I hope, it is nothing strange in it now. Right now, I am still feeding some cold climate species by Watermelons. Small Brazilian Watermelons are available on the market for the whole winter (expensive, of course), and some of my Tortoises are crazy in this vegetable!
Thanks for understanding!
Warmest regards, Marco

Messaggi: 336
Iscritto il: ven dic 08, 2006 7:53 am
Località: Estero

Messaggioda Maria » gio dic 14, 2006 5:48 pm

Messaggio inserito da AleeHali

Marco, I'm speechless...:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0! Congratulations!!!

I'm sorry, I'm leaving for Prague and I won't be back to my PC until tomorrow night.

Anyway, here we have enough material for a most interesting study!

All the Best, and Cheers

Dear Sir,
It was the mistake because I am having not your personal phone number. In your travel to Prague we could meet each other very easy, and speak about many important things, due to temperate Tortoises variations and color modifications.
So please, let me know your personal e-mail address as soon as possible. I will send interesting matterials and photos to you surely!
Yours truly, Marco

Messaggi: 336
Iscritto il: ven dic 08, 2006 7:53 am
Località: Estero

Messaggioda Maria » gio dic 14, 2006 5:54 pm

Messaggio inserito da andysen

Messaggio inserito da Maria

Messaggio inserito da andysen

...non c'è un po' di sovrapopolazione???

No, caro signore, non non abbiamo suvrapopolazione. Loro vivono all terreno di un hectaro o piu. Ma, primo della hibernazione, io lo transferro alle picole case per dormire. Some sabbia e ghiaia e dentro all postamento, a dopo, sopra animali si da qualche quantita di grassi secchi.
Excuse me for bad Italian of mine, please. I hope, you will be able to understand me well!
Yours truly, Marco

io dico solo che mi fanno venire molta tristessa!

I only say that they make sadness!

No problem, dear Sir, I understand you very well. But, you can be sure, my Hermann's, Greek's and Marginated T. do not living all together in few squere metters of space only. No, Sir, they are living on the place over 1 ha in total, and few separate smaller places in totaly natural conditons.
But, in the winter hibernation, they do not need 1 square metter/each. It could be crazy and fully unpayable. To keep them in winter time well, I am having 8 smaller sleeping rooms, and it is making very good to me and my Tortoises. They do like to spleep together, and it is very well to them. I am having big quantity of adult and subadult temperate Tortoises species for hibernation each year, and I am doing it perfectly!
Yours truly, Marco
P.S. I will send some photos of summer home of my Tortoises, to know better about it, too!. Anyway, I am surprised with some comments, but it is always the same story with breeders and lovers of animals. The animal love and bureocrazy are on two totaly different fronts!

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Messaggi: 580
Iscritto il: mar ago 22, 2006 1:04 pm

Messaggioda AleeHali » gio dic 14, 2006 5:55 pm

Hello Marco,
I'm writing here again because I had to move my trip to Prague to Saturday or Sunday, but I can't say exactly WHEN at the moment. As soon as I have an idea I'll send you my phone via private message, and if the possibility exists we can set up a meeting.


Messaggi: 722
Iscritto il: gio ott 05, 2006 6:18 pm

Messaggioda trifo » gio dic 14, 2006 5:57 pm

Sono del parere di AleeHali!!

Soprattutto sul secondo punto...(Cercare di scoprire e magari imparare qualcosa dalle esperienze di altri allevatori)e se me lo consentite,direi che e' una fortuna per questo forum(quindi per noi tutti)avere la possibilita' di apprendere dalle esperienze di una persona come Marco,che di sicuro non e' alle prime armi...
Conoscere le sue tecniche di allevamento puo' risultare particolarmente istruttivo.

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Messaggi: 4379
Iscritto il: mer giu 08, 2005 12:49 pm

Messaggioda Fede » gio dic 14, 2006 6:02 pm

Thanks for the explanation, in the supermarkets where I go to make the expense I have never seen the cocomeri in this period but I do not exclude that they can cultivate them.:D

Messaggi: 336
Iscritto il: ven dic 08, 2006 7:53 am
Località: Estero

Messaggioda Maria » gio dic 14, 2006 6:54 pm

Messaggio inserito da luca1988

magari è solo una parte del posto che hanno a disposizione..

Dear Luca,
You are very near to be right, but not completely. The Hermann's females of mine have eggs deposition outside, on open area in my garder. But, due sometimes, I am transffering them to close rooms (former aviary place) so early, some of them are still deponning eggs into sand inside. Anyway, it is small quantity of eggs, and too late to me to be incubated!
Yours truly, Marco

Messaggi: 1355
Iscritto il: mar ott 24, 2006 12:51 pm
Località: Lombardia

Messaggioda luca1988 » gio dic 14, 2006 7:03 pm

Purtroppo d'inglese so poco niente..chi mi fa una traduzione veloce?

Messaggi: 336
Iscritto il: ven dic 08, 2006 7:53 am
Località: Estero

Messaggioda Maria » gio dic 14, 2006 7:09 pm

Messaggio inserito da Marco22

Impressionante quante ne sono...

Dear Sir,
I am keeping my Hermann's for over 26 years, from 7 heads in the beginning, up to 120 heads (fully adults) in present time. Depending on the year, I am having big quantity of fecondate eggs and good quality offsprings yearly. Sometimes, the seasons is not so well, but sometimes it is exceptional.
I never sold any of my Hermann's out for money. Many people have got them as gift of mine, free of payment, big quantity of eggs every year, too. And, no changes in it!
Besides common Hermann's of mine, independing on their origine (Serbian, Bulgarian, Macedonian),including unusual light colored specimens, I am always ready to give some of them free to good breeders worldwide. I had and I am still having same intention regarding Italian breeders, because many good persons are surely over there!
But, independing I invested all my life in Tortoises, I cannot do impossible things. It means, I cannot keep them as people which are keeping 1 - 2 heads only. I am keeping plenty of them, and I am trying to do my best,i.e. to provide to them:
- good and adequate food;
- totaly safe place;
- perfect health and condition; and
I cannot make something over it, nobody help me in this matter financialy or in any other way. To stop me in it, yes, of course, so many people are interested in. To have good undersanding of my position, somebody. But, to help me, nobody practicaly, than my family only!
Warmest regards, Marco

Messaggi: 336
Iscritto il: ven dic 08, 2006 7:53 am
Località: Estero

Messaggioda Maria » gio dic 14, 2006 7:17 pm

Messaggio inserito da Fede

Hello Marco
your turtles are wonderful but in the photos one looks at of the cocomero, if as you say that one is the winter shelter me seems po a season outside that fruit. I have mistaken?

Dear Sir,
I tried to explain about Watermelons available (cocomero), and I hope, I satisfied you.
The only problem on photos made by side of older son of mine is, becasue he wants to present big quantity of my Hermann's together. Actualy, I am having 8 small sleeping rooms for their winter hibernation, and each room is carrying up to 50 heads of adult, subadult and medium size animals inside.
So, before winter season arrival, I am transfering them into protected space, making their intention to come inside of rooms to sleep over there.
But, to make more impressive photos, my soon gave big quantity of them inside of one protected quarter (former aviaries of mine), to have big quantity of them on each photo available. So, he tried to have all breeding stock of 120 heads (around 100 females, plus around 20 males) together, and they appeared jamed/gathered.
I am sorry about it. My soon tried to do his best, but he made an mistake!
Yours truly, Marco

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