Plasmolifting PRP Gel Tubes (10 per box)

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Iscritto il: mer mar 03, 2021 11:22 am
Regione: italy

Plasmolifting PRP Gel Tubes (10 per box)

Messaggioda lika » lun ago 02, 2021 11:26 pm

Plasmolifting PRP Gel Tubes (10 per box)
PRP therapy and plasmolifting have a common basis, both procedures are performed using the patient's own plasma.
Blood is taken from the patient, and then, with the help of a centrifuge, the blood is divided into layers (fractions). There is a purification from white blood cells and red blood cells, only plasma saturated with platelets remains.
Plasmolifting PRP Gel Tubes (10 per box) at the price of 142.8 EU.
Both methods are injectable and have a minimal set of contraindications, since the main material is taken from the patient and is fully compatible.
Both PRP therapy and plasmolifting are used both for the face area, and for the hands, neck, decollete and scalp.
This is where the similarities between the methods end.
PRP therapy.
The blood is processed in a centrifuge twice. This allows you to get the plasma as saturated as possible not only with platelets, but also with vitamins and other trace elements
1 ml of plasma for PRP therapy contains ~ 1,000,000 platelets
PRP-therapy is aimed at activating the regeneration processes and powerful rejuvenation
Plasma therapy tubes contain a selective membrane, as well as elements that allow you to preserve and activate growth factors. It is the growth factors that are responsible for stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, restoring microcirculation and the active work of cells for rejuvenation.
The plasma is completely cleared of white blood cells, which often provoke inflammation. This allows you to reduce the rehabilitation period after the procedure to only 2-3 hours, instead of the usual 2-3 days.
The first result of the procedure is noticeable immediately. Then, internal processes are started, and the effect increases and improves.
PRP-therapy gives a more prolonged and pronounced result.
To sum up, PRP therapy and plasmolifting differ in the concentration of platelets and the severity and duration of the result.

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